Monday, March 23, 2009

Rafting the Nile take 2

Kelsey, Travis and Clay at Adrift riverbase looking over the Nile.

Last week Travis and I enjoyed a visit from Clay Hearn, one of Travis's good buddies from high school. Clay has been in Kapoeta Sudan since January helping build a school and also volunteering at a local clinic. Check out what he has been up to at . We were really hoping that we would be able to meet up with him at some point while we were both here so it was so wonderful when it worked out for him to come down to Entebbe for a few days.

While Clay was here we decided to go to Jinja and let him take a trip down the Nile. Travis and I had done this back in June, heres the story . After the first trip I told Travis that it was a once in a life time opportunity and that is exactly how many times I wanted to do it "ONCE". Well, I guess that it had been too long since I had made that statment because I did it again. I have to say I am glad that I went ahead and did because I had a great time. I was so in shock at the intensity of it the first time I went, this time I knew what to expect and so I really enjoyed it. Clay also had a blast and said he would have done it agian the next day had we had the time to.

One of my favorite parts of this trip was our awesome German raft mate who was 69 years old (you can see his picture on the top left corner). He was awesome!!! Our other raft mates consisted of an American medical student, Eeyore (litterally I have never met anyone so melencolly), a Brit and a South African. Our guide was Ugandan and was actually the same guy that Travis went with back in 2003. He used to be a fisherman on the Nile then when Adrift started rafting the Nile they trained him and he has been guiding ever since

Enjoy the pictures and remember to see them bigger just click on them.


Carrie said...

WHO took these pictures!? They are awesome. I am glad you got to do that again before you come back "home."
I love the photos of your piggy puppy too, adorable! Will you get to keep him (bring him home?)

EmileeHope said...

Kevin's going to be so jealous! Looks like y'all had a great time, still not sure if it would be something I would want to try or not?!?!

Andysbethy said...

That looks like so much fun!! I totally want to do that some day. You look so little in those pictures though... it cracks me up!

Daniel & Heidi Hicks said...

Wow... Those rafting pictures are awesome!!!! Kelsey you are one tough woman!!! I'm so glad you guys got to see Clay and have some fun with very cool!

Kelli Belle said...

Wow, I can't believe you did this twice girl! You are amazing.
Love you!!