Friday, July 25, 2008

Rafting the Nile

White Water Rafting

Last weekend (July 12th-13th) Travis and I decided to take a little road trip to Jinja, a few hours drive from Entebbe, where we could raft the Nile. The Nile actually has its source in Uganda from lake Victoria and then flows up though Uganda, Suddan, and then finally to Egypt. Travis had rafted at the same place a few years ago when he was doing relief work in Sudan. I too had been rafting before down the “mighty” Occoee. Wow! Was I in for a surprise/absolute shock/saw my life pass before my eyes.

We had a great group of people in our boat, two Israelis who had been traveling Africa for the last year, two Norwegians here for a few weeks working in local schools, and a very grumpy, yet some how hilarious, Keewie (New Zealander) as a guide.

The trip started out much the same as the rafting I had done back in the states with the helmets and the life jackets etc... then there was a few kilometers of calm water where we practiced all the maneuvers. We even went down a small grade two rapid out of the raft so we could practice what to do “if” we were to fall out at some point. The first thing that should have gotten my attention was that there were as many “rescue Kiyaks” as there were rafts, and in addition there were two rafts whose purpose was also for rescuing. I thought that they were just a little more precautious here than at the Occoee. It wasn't long before I realized that this was not the Occoee, and they weren't overly cautious they had those guys there for a reason. On the first grade four rapid we went in with excitement cause this was our first big one, next thing we know the raft is completely flipped and we are sucked under, when you are in the rapid there is no fighting it so we all just held our breath and hope to be swept up and be able to get a breath soon. I let go of my paddle when we flipped then suddenly there was one next to me so I grabbed it then I was under again when I came up there was Ingred (a Norwegian) I have never seen such FEAR in anyones eyes, it made me even more concerned then I already naturally was. In a second she was gone then there was another paddle then back under for me and I decided forget the paddles and let go when I came back up thankfully there was a rescue raft and they pulled me up. WOW!!!!! All of that while wearing a life jacket. We all finally got back to our raft coming from all different directions having been rescued by, other rafts, or Kiyaks. After such a traumatic experience Travis tells me “yeah I think last time I came we flipped six or seven times” AHHHHHH! This is an all day trip and I am beginning to wonder if we are going to make it out alive.

To make a very long story short throughout the day, truly by the grace of God, we only ended up flipping once more. I was comforted when I found out that although it was an all day trip there were at least three areas where the water was very calm and we simply paddled through those areas providing a little rest from the intensity. The last thing that I have to mention is my favorite rapid which included a ten foot waterfall. Yes we braved the rapid and then plummeted off the edge of the waterfall. It was one of the most amazing things that I have ever experienced. It was almost as neat to watch the others go off the edge as it was to experience it yourself. It was especially interesting watching those go before you one minute they are rafting about thirty feet in front of you and then suddenly they are gone, not to be seen again until you yourself take the plunge.

All in all it was a fabulous experience and we really enjoyed those that we were rafting with. The next week Travis and I were driving from the airport back to our house when out of the blue we see the Israelies (Smadie and Nadav) walking down the street. We swung a uie and headed back to where we say them. We ended up spending the rest of the evening with them eating supper with them then having them over for coffee and dessert. While they were at our house they noticed the guitar and so they asked Travis to play, we ended up singing praise songs an worshiping and it was so neat to see how God had his hand on who we sat with while rafting and then brought them back into our path to be able to hang out with and share our love for Christ with. We also picked them up the next day to take them to the airport as they headed back to Israel. We are praying that the Lord will bring other Christians into their lives as they are back in Israel and that one day we will be able to meet with them again if not on earth than even better in Heaven.

1 comment:

Unknown said..., Bethany will know now for sure that she will never be able to convince me to go rafting! That just sounds so scary!
Also, I think it is SO and cool for you to be able to say "We saw the Israelites" ha ha!!!! that is so awesome!