This morning we woke up to a beautiful overcast day. Yes an overcast day here is a beautiful one and it is so because it provides a much needed break from the HEAT.Later in the morning while driving to the AIM Air office at the Entebbe Airport I noticed a dark brown cloud over lake Victoria. Before pointing it out to Travis I thought to my self, that's odd it looks like the lake is on fire. Travis then informed me that it was a cloud of lake flies. U huh, a cloud of flies. As an Entebbe dweller I have had my fair share of lake flies and I have seen patches of them for sure with a few thousand clumped together but never have I experienced bellowing clouds of lake flies. Of course, as would be expected, next to be seen were the clouds of birds. I assume they were getting ready for a feast (of lake flies that is). Each of these different clouds reminded me of a Bible study that I had just done the day before.
It is Beth Moore's study of John "Beloved Disciple". Yesterday I was studying Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 which says "Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him even they who pierced Him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even So Amen.
She listed multiple references of the Lord and clouds including...
Exodus 16:10 - God appearing to Isreal in a cloud
Exodus 24:15-16 - God meeting with Moses and coming in a cloud
Leviticus 16:2 - God coming in a cloud onto the Mercy seat in the Tabernacle
1 Kings 8:10 - Cloud filling the house of the Lord
Luke 9:34 - Cloud comes and covers Christ, Elijah and Moses during the transfiguration.
In each of these examples God is in the cloud, His voice is heard from within the cloud, His glory is hidden within the cloud, and so on.
All of this got Travis and I thinking, in our lives right now Travis and I feel like we are in a cloud or that God's will is hidden within a cloud. Either way we are not sure whats next, where to go, what to do, what should we pursue? It's all so foggy, like flying through a dense cloud where you can't see anything but pure white. PURE, WHITE, hmmmmm. It might be rocky from the turbulence, but as long as you rely on your instruments you will make it through the cloud and see clearly what is ahead. Wow!!! Why would we want to be anywhere other than in GOD'S PURE, WHITE, Holiness and perfection. It will all be so clear when He chooses to bring us out and disclose Himself through His will to us but until then what a joy to realize that in the cloud we ARE close to God. It's alright to be here, to not see, to not know, to have some bumps and turbulence.
Wow! That is amazing. We are trusting God that in His timing, He will bring you through the clouds, and let you see where He is taking you. Love you lots. Terri (Mama)
OK, first of all-gross! A cloud of flies!!!! That sounds horrible! But, on to the rest of the post, it was really beautiful. I really admire your strength and faith as you wait on God to show you the next step. We love you both so much and know that it will be clear in His perfect time!
Hey Kelsey,
thanks for sharing about the clouds. Thanks for the reminder of God's presence in the cloud!!
What a blessing!
Love you guys!
I love that you mention "as long as you rely on your instruments" - I guess everyone has different additions to their instruments, just as different planes have different "special" ones, but we all have the one instrument we have to have - God's word. Thanks for quoting it so clearly, and reminding us to look to it for guidance.
I am eager for your cloud to lift, because I love you, and want to know where God is leading you next, but in the meantime, I am so glad that you have the instruments you need to stay on course. Enjoy the beauty around you, within the cloud.
As long as the "cloud" brings you home for awhile I will be happy.. love you..MOM
What a beautiful picture!!! It's so neat to see something like that, that i have never seen in God's creation. We are praying for y'all and that God will bring you through the clouds and let you know what His will is at the perfect time. He is never late, but seldom early...and i am speaking from experience ;-)
Love you guys and can't wait for the beach trip to St. Georges island!!!!!!
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