Heart pounding, I start to sweat, could it be? It surly isn't. But wait, yes, yes it is. It's CRAFT MAC AND CHEESE!!!!!!! For what? How much? This has got to be marked wrong. 4,000 Ugandan Shillings, but that's only 2 bucks. There are only two I better grab then fast. Hey, do you guess have any more of these. OHHHHH here come five more.
It all started with the Mac...
Next I meet up with my long lost hubby who's been flying all day. "I've got a surprise for you", he says. hmmmmmm!!!! Java house coffee which is the best coffee in the world. Only found in Nairobi. I wouldn't say that I am addicted to it but I sure do LOVE IT. Especially when Travis makes me an amazing frothed coffee, his specialty. Could this day be any better? The answer is yes. "oh, that's for you too, but there's another surprise in there" he says. What do I pull out but a big bag of my fav, peanut M&M's. YUMMMY!!!!
Moving on to the the next day.
Oh look!!! It's craft again in a tiny little hole in the wall shop in Kampala. Not just craft though, oh, ohh, ohhh. CONCORD GRAPE JELLY!!!! CONCORD GRAPE JELLY!!!! GRAPE JELLY. I think i need to stop for a moment and let you know that I am not obsessed with food :):):) Back to the jelly. Over the course of our shopping experience we came to find out that there is a certain American gentleman who has found the desire in his great big heart to ship a very large crate of good old American food to Kampala, Uganda. It is like the biggest care package you could ever dream up. We are talking, Bisquick, muffin mixes, hot chocolate, mac and cheese, syrup, jelly, Campbell soups, instant noodles, little boxed cereals and oh so much more. The greatest part is that they are CHEAP(comparatively that is) and he is planing on doing it monthly.
I think that is quite enough on the food surprises. We did encounter one other surprise I want to share with you.
"Surprise, surprise, puppy surprise. How many puppies are there inside. There could be three or four or five". ( I realize that very few people will remember that commercial, but i always wanted that little dog with the puppies that came out of her Velcro stummy(Em that's for you)). We got home last night from a day in Kampala, two dogs greet us as usual but where is Angel? As we climb out of the car we hear a little whimpering, but its dark so we head on in. The night guard got there at the same time so he starts to look around to find what is making the funny noise. Moments later he knocks on our door. With a huge smile on his face he says "we have a puppy". "What?" Travis says. "WHAT?" Kelsey says. A puppy? Sure enough we take a flashlight out and what do we find? A PUPPY. Lets take a step back here, first of all we had no idea that Angle was pregnant. Second, we got poor little Macho fixed for this very reason. Oh, well. A puppy we have none the less. Just one.... Quite odd I have to say but its cute.
So those are our surprises of the weekend. Hope you enjoyed them as much as we did :)
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
I am totally singing along with you -"how many puppies are there inside"!! How exciting, although I guess more work! Still, fun times!
I do feel the need to point out that it is Kraft, with a K. I'm glad you found those treats, but it sounds like you are needing to come "home" for some good ol' American food. I'll be thinking up some special meals for this summer!
That is so cute, and I can't believe you remember that commercial! I do now!!!! I never had one but I always thought "hmmmmmm" undecided about that particular toy.
congrats on all your surprises! How fun to get all the "comfort" food.
Wow! Sounds like a fun couple of days!!! (I appreciated and loved the commercial song-as soon as I started reading the first line I was singing it in my head!!) I am so happy for you about the food. I can totally feel for you the joy it is to eat something wonderful, when you haven't had it it FOREVER!!! I love you and can't wait to see you!!!
I totally understand the thrill of finding Kraft Mac & cheese and all the other special foods there in Uganda. So glad you have a place where you can restock on your "treats", which we take for granted here in the US. One puppy is very unusual. I hope there aren't any more stuck inside the mamma dog. Can't wait to see you both. Love, Mama (Terri)
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