Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Pictures from Christmas Trip

Here are a few pictures from the beggining of our trip. We had just arrived in Fort Portal after a beautiful 6 hour drive on gorgious paved roads and then a 45 minute drive on a rollercoaster dirt road. I can't take credit for many of the pictures that are to follow because despite how prepared I felt we had forgotten to charge the digital camera. Thankfully Amber and Terril had their camera and were picture happy so we got a lot of good picture from them.
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Daniel & Heidi Hicks said...

Isabel said to tell Kelsey that she has pretty hair. She loved that picture of you two!

Andysbethy said...

Somehow I never saw that picture of you and Travis by the water, watching the sunset. I saw it tonight, and seriously, that is just an awe inspiringly beautiful picture.
I love you two so much! (especially you Kelsey, but I'll give Travis his share of the love too!) For some reason seeing that beautiful picture of ya'll with that sunset just made me want to cry with the beauty of it all.