Last week I started dance classes again. I was planning on doing the classes at a new location where there are beautiful wood floors and not much furniture to move out of the room but sadly the floors are in need of repaired so we are not sure when we will be starting classes there. Meanwhile the classes are at our new house which although the living room is much bigger there is also twice as much furniture to remove from the room. But in spite of the slight hassle we have to hold classes here I am so blessed each week by the classes. It is such a privilege to prepare lessons and teach these little girls about an awesome creator who made us in His image, who inspired us to be creative and the best part how through dance we can bless Him with our creativity. The girls are so eager to learn and so excited about blessing God. I thank the Lord for the ability to share that excitement with them. I'm considering starting an adult class but now that Travis and I are keeping so busy working with AIM I'm not sure if it is going to come together.
Thinking of AIM reminds me of another little blessing I want to mention. Travis and I started last week working at the AIM Air office here in Entebbe. It was CRAZY at first, there were so many things that were unknown and others forgotten from when we did some training. There were also things going wrong right and left with our day to day life like the car BROKE, the power was off for over 30 hours, the car got back to us then started having issues again.... and so on. You know the craziness of it all just mounds up. I'm getting to the blessing in this :) Anyway, we felt totally overwhelmed and exhausted!!!!! Then one of the many times I was taking it to the Lord God blessed me with some of His heavenly wisdom. Here it is, sometimes life gets so hard that we just want God to take the obstacles out of the way, move the hurtle so that we can really run the race, however it is through jumping over the hurtles and finding a way through the obstacles that we get stronger and wiser. Its hard, YES, and sometimes that is our own fault, sometimes we are making it harder on ourselves by trying to carry all kinds of stuff with us as we jump the hurtles and go through the maze of obstacles. You know carrying doubt, resentment, fear, confusion...... when actually that stuff is suppose to be in Gods hands while we run. It makes us look completely ridiculous and exhaust us way more that need be. Rather than coming out of that particular obstacle course tired but feeling good we are dead with exhaustion. So in the end the blessing was actually the hardship, was the hurdles and the obstacles, it was the realization that I can give the baggage (in this case expectations) to God and then run a bit better through the course. To be fit you can't just sit on your butt, you have to exercise. I don't want to be a weak and lazy Christian so I'm thankful that through last week Travis and I gained a little muscle that will hopefully help us to face the next set of hurdles with a little more grace.
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
Thanks Kelsey. I needed that.
I love you!
Kelsey- that was a very encouraging word you wrote! Way to have a great attitude despite thehard circumstances at hand! Love you!
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