Once upon a time there were two countries, one names Kenya and the other Uganda. The borders were often closed between these two countries which made it vary difficult to transport goods from one to the other. Thus bodaboda boys were born. The boys would stack up goods on their bikes/motorbikes and haul them across the borders using small trails. You guessed it they got their name because they crossed from border to border. That is where it all began and here are some pictures of how it has blossomed and these courageous (crazy) guys are continuing the legacy not only near the borders but through out Uganda.

Who needs a truck when you've got a bodaboda?

I have not idea whot that is but it looks funny to me
Matoke anyone? (banana like food they cook and smoosh up)
If you look closely you can see that he is holding glass
Two of my favs I have yet to add to my collection of bodaboda photos. One is Chikens on a boda, the other fish. The chickens were tied together by thier legs and drapped over every possible inch of the boda, there must have been about a houndred stacked up on top of eachother and squacking away, yep they were alive.The Nile Perch were plopped on the back of the boda behind the driver and were HUGE. They had to have been over four feet long. Bigger than the one that Travis cought the other day (check out the Catching up blog for photo). Oh and how could I forget the bed on the boda and best of all boda on a boda. 

That is a turket on his shoulder (alive)

I've been told that what he is carrying is tea
These two non boda guys made it on the boda boda blog cause I just thought they looked funny :)
I have been waiting for you to post the bodaboda pictures!! So funny! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Love ya!
Hello Harris family. Hope you guys are doing well. Travis, I wanted to tell you that you have been on my heart for the past several days and I wanted to let you know that I love you and I really miss you. I know that even when you were here, we never got to spend a lot of time together but know that I think the world of you and I am so glad we're in the same fam!!! I pray for you guys often and I am so proud of you guys...May God bless you in amazing ways and know that I really do love you bro. I can't wait to see you again and hug ya!!! Tell your lady hello. DH
Those are some pretty unbelievable pictures. Wow - people can do some amazing things, when they put their mind to it.
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