I Kelsey Joy Harris successfully made home made bread today, and not only that but it was whole wheat home made bread. I was seriously beginning to think that Bethy just got all the bread making jeans and here I was in a country where good bread is hard to come by, not fare if you ask me. I was starting to think that God was calling me to become a brick maker cause every time I attempted to make bread, and mind you I did it JUST AS THE BOOK SAID, I ended up pulling out two lovely brinks out of the oven. Good maybe for building a dog house or something but no good for eating. Then it hit me, don't think bad of me cause it took me so long to figure it out, my yeast was DEAD. DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. Halleluja!!! Maybe things weren't as bad as I had imagind, maybe I have the bread making jean in me after all. I began to have hope once more. I found some new yeast and put myself to the test and by golly, I succeeded. The end
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
it looks delicious! I wish I could make bread look that good! I can do banana bread, pumpkin bread, but yeast breads are still hard for me, they turn out okay, but not really great. Congratulations! And, by the way, I read your last post about teh guard dog, and wow you are SO brave! Be safe!
I am so proud of you!!!! Yeast makes all the difference, obviously... It sure looks yummy! I'm glad to know that I didn't get all the bread making genes. Someone else has to be responsible sometimes!
The bread looks sooo go Kels!!! My bread doesn't look that good, but of course, I always make mine in my bread machine, so it is more of a square and I just throw all the ingredients in the machine and come back in 4 1/2 hours and there is bread, ta da!!! I am so proud of you!! I hope Kev & I are able to come see y'all sometime, because I don't know if I can go an entire year without seeing you!!! I love you!!!
It makes my mouth water looking at it. Way to go. You just motivated me to make bread.
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