Yesterday Macho really proved himself to be worthy of his name. We have been working hard with him and at times I think that I am going to pull my hair out because he drives me nuts, pulling laundry off the line, bringing random dead rodents to the front door to present to us, jumping unrelentlessly on everyone who walks in the gate (poor water meter lady), just for a few examples. But he has always been a great barker letting me know when anyone is passing by the house, and pretty early on he got a nice big dog bark which I figured would scare anyone away who was trying to pay us a visit for the wrong reasons. Yesterday I had taken Travis to work and was just getting ready to go pick him up when I noticed that Macho was really going at it with the barking and growling and he sounded more threatend than usual. I looked out the window closest to where I could hear him barking and I couldn't see him anywhere but to my surprise I did see a man pulling himself up on the back wall through the razor wire and everything. I immediately put on my deepest most scarriest voice I could and yelled "hey, hey, get out of here" his head popped up and when he realized I could see him he pushed himslef back down and ran off. I then went for Travises mag-lite flash light, its one of those big ones, and ran for the door, right before running out I realized that trying to chase the guy down when I was the only one home was probably not the smartest thing to do. So I called Travis instead and he had someone bring him home so I didn't have to leave the house alone. In the midst of it I forgot that we have panik buttons in the house which are suppose to alarm a company that sends out guards to your house, Travis had me pull it so I could have someone come and look around to make sure the guy wasn't hanging around anywhere.
I finally got some butterflies in my stomach after things calmed down and looking back I started laughing at myself wanting to chase after the guy. What was I thinking? I am just thankful for Macho because if it wasn't for him I would have had no idea that this guy was coming over the wall.
Just to give everyone a little assurance, I always lock the doors when I am home alone and I always have my mag lite :).
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
Kelsey, you are so funny! I could totally see you with your mag lite trying go after the intruder!! I am so glad you have a dog!!! (So glad you are writing more often now!!) Love ya!!
Yeah - Mom told me this story. Make sure you give Macho a super big hug from me. I don't even really like dogs that much, but I certainly appreciate him right now!
Fix your razor wire!
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