So we ended up staying in Nairobi instead of going to Mombasa :(:( because Travis had to be back to fly on Monday. I have to admit I was a little bitter at first because we had specifically asked for the day off and had purchased a ticket for me to fly to Nairobi with Travis so we could go down to Mombasa for a few days. Since Travis and I have Birthdays close to each other we decided to take a little vacation rather than doing gifts for each other. I was SO looking forward to the beach. It almost kills me to be living just a five minute walk to beautiful Lake Victoria but not be able to swim in it (risk of getting Belharsia, don't know how to spell and don't really know exactly what it is just know that it is really bad). So it would have been GREAT to be able to spend time in one of my favorite environments WATER.
But bitterness is NO fun and profits absolutely NOTHING. So we moved on and made the most of the time that we had in Nairobi. We shopped a little, thank goodness not back to the shopping center that I had just spent two days at. Thankfully there is more variety in Nairobi than in Kampala as far as shopping goes. There was a great book store in the mall and Travis and I read all the time so we picked up a few books. We were able to go to Carnivore which is a really well known restaurant in Nairobi. As you can guess by the name they are know for all the varieties of meat they serve. It is one of those restaurants that you pay a set price and eat until you can't go on, litterally you put up a white flag of surrender when you can't take anymore. They usually have all kinds of exotic meats, the only one they had when we were there was crocodile, which servers bring to the table on swords then they carve off a piece onto your plate. Pretty cool. I think that the experience what better than the food itself but the food was still pretty good. One of my other favorite things was getting a yummy no better than that, super (for Em) duper delicious FRESH strawberry milk shake, a real one made with ICE CREAM from the Java house, another well know restaurant/coffe house in Nairobi. WOW!!! Travis and I haven't stoped raving about it since we have been home. I haven't seen strawberrys or any berry for that matter in Uganda but apparently they have them in Kenya.
So we ate and we read pretty much. I think that a lot of people like to eat, shop and drink in Nairobi because that seemed like that was all that was listed in the tourist book. We don't have much nead for shopping but we definately need to eat so we got to enjoy toe of Nairobi's best known restaurants and that was pretty much our trip. Good times :):):)
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
I love reading your blog! Julianna and I think of you so much and this is so wonderful that we can keep up with all your goings-on! I love you so much!
And I went to all those places you were in Kenya. The Nakumatt, the Javahouse, the Carnivore. It's weird to think of you being in exactly those same grocery aisles that I walked down half way across the world.
Sorry you didn't get to go swimming, but it sounds like the rest of your trip was refreshing and relaxing so that must have been nice. It is always good to experience a new place so try to think about it in that aspect, that even though you didn't get to go to the beach, you did see a different country-and eat some good food! What more could you ask for! I hope Kevin & I are able to work it out to come and see you. We would love to make it happen when we could all see Egypt, but that might just be a wild dream-I guess we will see. Love ya!
I am sorry you didn't get to go to the beach, but it sounds like you did get to have some fun. Ice cream makes up for a world of disappointment, right?!
Plus, books!! You know that is what I would vote for as the greatest thing!
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