Chilling in Nairobi
Travis and I flew out of Entebbe yesterday to come to Nairobi, Kenya for a few days. The main reason for coming is so Travis can attend a training session (not quite sure what it is on but something for flying), but we thought that it would be neat for me to come along and when he is not busy we can do things around Nairobi and then hopefully get to go down to Mombasa Kenya on Friday after his training is finished to enjoy a few days at the beach. I’m really hopeful that this works out cause our plan is to take an overnight train which is an old English train with private cabins and a food car which I think would be great fun! We might have to go on back to Entebbe because although Travis got permission to take Monday off they scheduled him to fly, ARGGGG, so anyways we might have to cut the train and mombasa off the agenda and hang out in Nairobi. I guess that I shouldn’t be complaining, I am in a country that I have never been before and there are lots of things to do here, I was just really looking forward to the BEACH.
Travis's training is at the UN compound in Nairobi and thankfully there is a mall close by for me to keep myself busy in. It is too weird I can’t get used to my new disinterest in shopping. I have read almost the entire day and the only money I have spent was on food. I have walked the entire mall and window shopped but my favorite part was Nakumatt, the Grocery store and even there all I bought was some flavored tea. I did spend a good amount of time walking the isles in the grocery checking out what all they have here that we don’t have in Uganda. My favorite isle was of course the ice cream isle. They for sure have more variety and it is soooo much cheaper. In Uganda to get a 1liter ice cream tub, which isn’t even that great, is $16 here the same stuff was almost half the price and there was some other brands that looked way better for around the same price. OK enough about food. Well there is one for thing they had real milk in cartons. Now I am done.
I guess that is all I have to say for now about Kenya because really besides the airport and our hotel room the only other part I have seen is The Village Market mall.
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
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