I am overjoyed!!!! Last wednesday I taught my first week of dance classes here in Entebbe.
I had been praying that God would use my passion for dance in some way while I am here. Several opportunities had come up for me to teach dance at a few schools in Kampala but I didn't feel led to any of them. I was actually getting frustrated because I was starting to think that God and I had some major communication issues going on. I felt very strongly that I was going to have the opportunity to share the Joy of praising the Lord through dance here but when the opportunities came there was nothing in me that said pursue it. I kept asking the Lord "am I not hearing you or are you just not speaking?" Finally I got a go ahead from the Lord to try to start my own classes here in Entebbe. There were some little girls who go to a fellowship that Travis and I attend and they just kept coming to my mind. Just a few days later I was at the fellowship and mentioned to their mother that I was wanting to start teaching some dance classes and asked her if her girls would be interested. Her little girls eyes and her own lit up immediatly. She said "are you kidding, my girls have been praying that the Lord would bring a dance teacher here to Entebbe". My heart skipped a beat cause I was so excited to get another confirmation that this was God speaking.
Over the next few weeks I have been finding out about more people who are intereted in dance classes and I have ended up with two classes so far. One for 3-6 year olds and the other for 7-10 year olds. I have had several moms asking if I would consider doing an adult class as well which I am hoping to put together soon.
I am sure that during the first class I was just as excited to be there as the little ballerinas several of the moms even told me you looked like you were having a blast. I am just so grateful that God is such a close God, he doesn't leave us in the dark to figure things out on our own. He gives us the yes when He really wants us somewhere and sometimes His no is just silence. We just have to be patient to wait for His voice.
I just want to add to this that I truely appreciate Mrs. Julies ability to schedule classes so well. It was Nearly impossible to get the schedule figured out so that everyone would be able to make it. Thank that Lord that he got it to all worked out in the end cause I didn't want anyone to miss out.
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
Oh, I am so happy for you! I love to watch you dance and those girls are blessed to have you as a teacher!
So glad you finally have your classes. We are so excited for you and your students! Terri & Wesley
Kelsie, That is awesome news!!! The LORD is awesome!!! Your story brought tears to my eyes, especially that part about the mother saying the girls had prayed for GOD to send a dance teacher to town. You have a beautiful gift and I know the LORD wants you to share it! I hope you all have a wonderful time. By the way, I have enjoyed reading your blog. Have a great week.
I am so excited for you about your ballet classes! Hopefully I will be able to see it in person, but if not you should try to do a video sometime and post it! Love ya sis!!
How exciting for those girls to get an awesome teacher like you! It's so cool to see how God works. I know Isabel would just love to have you as her ballet teacher--- maybe one day ;-)
love you guys and miss you!
I am so proud of you!!!! It is like a little part of me and SOF are in Africa!!! Let me know if there is anything you need I could send to you. We are going to do a old shoe drive here next month to make sure you have enough. Your mom is bringing some next week! Again, I am so proud of you!!!
Sounds like you are having such a wonderful time. I can remember taking dance classes when I was young and know that those girls will remember what you are doing for them forever.
Kelsey - How exciting, I am so thrilled that other little girls are being blessed by your talent from the Lord! I have truly enjoyed reading all of your blogs and seeing how the Lord works in our lives! Love Lori and Holly Mitchell
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