This week.
Travis in Nairobi :( Coming back Wednesday, no Thursday, no Saturday, ok Sunday, well who knows he will be back when he gets back I guess.
First night he is gone night guard has emergency, that's ok the day guard will stay. Next morning bad news day guard has to go too. Thank goodness for friends.
Girl time!!!!! I would be dying here if God was not soooo very thoughtful. Just last week He brought two AWESOME American gals into my life. We are talking slumber parties, chocolate, coffee, movies, talk talk talk talk, laugh laugh laugh laugh and talk some more.
The office... Big CAA(Civil Aviation Authority) man trying to walk all over me. NOPE he is not going to win. I've been down to this guys office time after time trying to get him to change an incorrect fee. FINALLY he decided "ok your right, I'll change it on the next bill" I say "no you wont, you will change it on this bill" he responds "its just $20", I say "yeah $20, and we are a non-profit, mission organization, that means NO ONE GETS PAID". My personal fav, he says " oh but you will be paid in the kingdom of heaven"(with a smirk on his face) that just makes me laugh. In the end I convinced him that it would be unwise of me to watch that $20, which could be going towards furthering the kingdom, be senselessly lost. He laughed and finally gave in. You have to bargain for everything here, even your own $$. (by the way this conversation was all conducted in laughter and teasing although it was quite serious. He really didn't want to give me that money). Ahh, all done. Not quite, two offices, 1 hour and a few metal dicetors later I turn in the invoice(finally corrected) and recieve a $100,000 bill. WHAT!!!!! Yeah, they tried to charge me three zeos over. Fun, fun,fun. Life is certainly not boring at the Entebbe International Airport.
My great adventure. I drove to a shopping market near Kampala today. It was the first time that i have driven there and if you have read or heard anything about driving in Africa it is, well, SCARY. You know typical, two lanes, motorcycles, people, bikes, people, cars, BIG trucks, more people and everyone trying to pass each other. I am proud to say that I kept up with the traffic, passed a few, honked a bit and in general had a pretty pleasant drive. THEN, on the way back i came up on a slow car who is followed by a taxi(Public trans in the form of vans with too many people and drivers with no sense). Finally there is an opening in the oncoming traffic, its my chance, I get over and keep getting over and the taxi/van is still in front of me, I realize he is passing the slow guy too. AHHHHHH, step on the gas, now we are three cars across on a two lane road with on coming traffic. There was no turning back now. Moments later it was all over, both cars were behind me and who new what laid ahead. I took on the unknown with a new confidence. I Kelsey Joy Harris had not only gotten to Quality Shopping Hill on my own but I had passed the three car Ugandan chicken test. I'm a new woman. Don't worry mom, just because I passed the test doesn't mean that I must always drive the Uganda way.
Thats it for now folks :) My rambling session is over.
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
That was quite an exciting adventure you had there! It is so fun, I know I say it every time, but I have so much fun reading your day to day experiences. I can't wait to look at the photos of the house, I just skipped down to read first. How luxurious to have such a nice place after being in such a tiny little place. You are awesome!!!
By the way, my word verification word below this is: "bride"
Just wanted to share that :)
Sounds like you have been having fun and have been really busy! I love you and can't wait to see you!!! Have a wonderful weekend sis!
Soooo glad to see the pictures of the house.. I think it is adorable and actually much nicer than the one you started out in. I bet the dogs love the yard.. I love the tire swing. The story about the driving does scare me a little but knowing you are ok makes it ok.. Don't get cocky and think you can do it all the time. Good job standing up for yourself... you've got the Binkley blood in you to fight for the $20..Love, MOM
Sounds like you have been having fun. I am so glad you have had those girls to "play" with lately.
I can barely drive here in America. I don't think I would make it in Africa...
Love ya! are so funny kelsey! i loved reading this post! thanks for telling about your adventures while Travis was gone. Is he back safely yet? my mom told me about the plane glad he realized what was wrong before flying to far.
love y'all!
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