It has just been one day and we have already experienced the Joys of raising a puppy. It is going to be a lot of work but we are really excited to have him. I have yet to tell you his name because we really haven't chosen one yet. We have one that we are trying on to see if it fits. If anyone has any suggestions throw them out at us.
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
He's adorable!!! Does he cry at night like a baby?
Travis, you should call him "Macho"..haha!
He is soooooo cute! Congratulations on your "new addition". I am not good at coming up with names, so I don't have any suggestions. I will just repeat what I am sure Mom will say... don't name the dog brownie!
I think the dog looks a little like Kery in India...She probably had some german sheppard in her too.
My name idea is Liberty.
great pics... love to look at YOU.&
He is so cute. I hope he hasn't been keeping you up much at nights. The only name I can think of is Chucho. I hope you remember your dog training skills from Max. Mama
Wow...what a big step! lol. HE is a cute dog...and cuter still because he is your's and NOT ours! Can't wait to hear your name...just don't pick a name that means something silly in another Chupa. lol!
Got your thank you note and found your blog to see all the pictures and your thots.....
so glad to see your pictures and comments....
so glad to see your pictures and your thank you note....
so glad to see your pictures and your thank you note...
So we ended up naming him Macho in case anyone was wandering :) We were originally going to just try to find a guard dog but we ended up with a puppy instead. He might have started out small but we are raising him to be a macho guard dog who will protect the house. He already likes to park at strange thing he comes in contact with or feels threatened by.
Aw, Kelsey he is so cute!! :) Macho is a great name!
- Kelli
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