Carrie Thompson wrote this on a comment and I thought I would give a shot to answering it : )
So, tell us about your biggest surprises since you have been home. Things you forgot were different or what you enjoyed being "back" for the most, or what you miss the most about Uganda!
Clean water: In Uganda we would clean our dishes with the water, but then they would have to be completely dry before we could use them again because the water had strange bacteria and such in it. We would also do the same with veggies and fruits and would count anything that had touched the water to be contaminated until dry. Brushing teeth involved a bottle of clean water for rinsing of the mouth. When we first got home I simply applied the same rules to the water in the sink and would think that whatever I had rinsed was no longer usable. Since then I have moved into a phase where I know that it is OK to rinse my knife off in the water and then reuse it. However, each time I do that I think, "now why did you just rinse that it is contaminated now." Hence I am still in a slight state of confusion in the area of clean or contaminated water at this point but I feel like I am moving forward. The brushing of teeth has moved light years ahead of the dish rinsing, and I think it is because I couldn't wait to simply use the faucet water rather than having a water bottle.
Right side: It would seem that after a month one would adjust to the road rules here but every once in a while I have to remind Travis that we drive on the right side here, and he has to remind me that actually people turn off their bright lights here as a courtesy to the oncoming traffic.
FOOD: Wow! Surprisingly as a whole I have found that I had actually built up a belief that food is a lot yummier than it really is. After dreaming about Special K cereal, Eddy's cookie dough ice cream, and Chick-fil-a I have to say that sadly I dreamed them a little over the top. Yes, I am actually saying this. Ok, I must admit that I didn't over dream Chick-fil-a. I was trying to use that as an awe factor but it really is as good as I remembered and dreamed that it would be in my mouth. However, as a whole food is food and it is to keep you alive.
THE WHAT: I miss THE WHAT!!!! This might seem a little weird to some and that is because it is weird, but none the less it is what I miss. I guess I should explain a little. Travis and I were first introduced to this phrase through a book called "What is the What" which if you read it does nothing to explain to you what THE WHAT actually is so moving on. To explain THE WHAT in writing I think i will have to tell a story or maybe just a few examples. It can go like this, I ask a Ugandan , "excuse me Sebo(Sir) do you know where the Pearl grocery store is" he replies, "uh (bewildered look on his face), you go up to THE WHAT(also pronounced THE WHAT WHAT at times) and take a left then when you see THE WHATEVER you go that way (signalling with a waving hand), it is in those ends". Or one of my favorite examples from my friends Stacie and Rosie. The pastor of the church/school/orphanage the girls work with telling a story involving THE WHAT. Here it is... "The dump truck could not get up THE WHAT, the hill because of THE WHAT, the mud which was there because of THE WHAT, the rain." Now with those examples maybe I can take a shot at explaining THE WHAT. It seems to be a phrase that can be used in case the word you want to say or maybe you should say leaves you brain, or as a filler word like a um, or like, and in some cases it is for the speaker to display his knowledge as he answers multiple questions that he himself asked. Anyway this silly example of THE WHAT is just to say that I miss the craziness of Uganda, the boda's loaded with 50 live chickens, the trucks balancing 40 mattresses, the fish tied to the grill of the car or the millions of other CRAZY and BAZAAR things that you see in Uganda. Ugandans are really fun loving and friendly people who make me laugh and bring me joy as they enjoy life in all its craziness.
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
How fun! I really enjoyed your answers and I think "THE WHAT" sounds awesome!
I love your post today! It is nice to hear a little bit about re-adjusting to life in the good ol' USA. I still really haven't seen any pictures from your year in Africa either-except what I have seen on your blog-is that pretty much all of them? Love ya sis and see ya on Saturday! (What time are you picking me up?)
I think you are doing a great job adjusting to being home - but I know it will feel weird for a while.
Enjoy the food, to keep yourself alive, and don't fret.
Perhaps I will learn to say, THE WHAT, on occasion, just to make you feel at home?
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