On the Way up to Indianapolis to celebrate my Grandma's 80th birthday last weekend Kevin, Emilee, Travis and I decided to stop at the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky. As we looked around we had a blast checking out the Corvettes from throughout the years.
Em and Kevin with a 50's model
Kevin, Kelsey and Travis with a crazy modern experimental one

Our vehicle was experiencing some excitement of its own. We were called out of the museum to find that the trucks window had been busted and EM's purse was gone. The next two hours consisted of waiting for police, checking security videos, and canceling credit cards. It felt so strange that here we were back in the US, where we feel so secure, in the middle of the Corvette museum parking lot during broad daylight and our car gets broken into. We were however very grateful because there were several other things in the truck that would have been terrible to lose.
The best part was driving the next four hours to Indianapolis with the wind in our faces trying to outrun the major thunderstorm.