28 days till we head back to the states (for who knows how many days) and 28 things that will go through my mind every day that I wait for it.
1. Lord any time now we are willing to be informed of what the plan is
2. What do I take?
3. What do I leave?
4. I can't wait to be HOME!
5. Is it to early to pack this?
6. Chick-fil-a!!!!!
7. Good byes are hard.
8. Changes are fun!
9. It is so wonderful to have a partner to go through it all with!
10. Clear out, clean up, eat up the food in the pantry
11. How much room do we have in our luggage to take back gifts?
12. Should I apply for school?
13. Should we start looking for a house
14. Macho, I'm so sad to leave you
15. AHHHHHH!!! I'm overwhelmed
16. Oh, Africa is so beautiful I'm so sad to leave
17. Arggg, Africa is so frustrating I can't wait to get out of here
18. Wow, it is going to be strange to pump our own gas again. Truly I can't wait.
19. Yuck, 18 hours in a plane just doesn't sound fun
20. NO MORE ANTS!!!!!
21. So sad to leave my little ballerinas!
22. What's air conditioning?
23. I am going to miss the array of birds and plants
24. Eddy's cookie dough ice cream!!!!!!!
25. What are we going to do with all the wana-recycle things that I have saved when there is no place to recycle them?
26. oh, to drive on the right side of the road again.
27. Will we ever be back here again?
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
We can't wait to see you Kelsey Joy (and Travis too). Don't be overwhelmed, don't be stressed. Enjoy the fact that you have each other, like you said, and remember that even in all the little details, God is in control.
I am so excited!!!
We are all soooo looking forward to y'all being here again! For however long it may be!
We can't wait to see you GUYS!!!!!!!!!! Kelsey- you are so cute with your 28 things posts...you are too fun!
Praying for y'all and the transition. Know you are welcome to stay with us as long as you need. We will have a guest room ;-) we are closing on the house next week...YAY!
Love y'all,
I can't wait to tell Glen that CFA was on the top of the list...
Can't wait to take you shopping. Don't worry about the recycling, someone will probably "recycle" it when you trash it. Don't worry about gifts, you guys are our gifts. you can watch several movies in the plane. Macho will be fine. It's not too early to pack. We're going to have fun..I'm pretty sure you'll go back, but I know you will keep contact with the special people you met while there forever.
26 days!!! mom
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