First I have to note that this was written after 8 hours in the car on Christmas Eve (their traffic is just as bad here and you also have to add the element of BEAT UP roads). It brought us much laughter as we put into the song some of the festive way Ugandans celebrate Christmas that we had been observing.
Notes to try to explain what in the world this song is talking about are red.
Sung to Nat King Coles famous song " Merry Christmas to You"
Tilapia fish roasting on each Corolas grill Taken to relatives in areas with no lakes(litterally strapped to the grill of thier cars most of which are Corolas.
Sunshine burning up yous nose
Christmas hair being worn everywhere I've never seen so many colors or so much poof
and folks dressed up like who knows How about Neon orange and Lime green
Everybody knows Matokee and some gnut sauce Masked bananaish food and peanutish sauce
Help to make the season bright
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know uncle Godfrees coming ova I think we know a hounred Godfees
he's loaded lot of goats and chickens on his boda Note Chickens still alive, Boda=Motor bike
and every mothers child is going to spy
to see if the chicken will break loose and fly
And so I'm overing this simple phrase
for kids from 1 to 92
although its been said many times many ways
Merry Xmas too you I've never seen it written CHRISTmas here
it is always written Xmas.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!!!!
Time flies, yet again
8 months ago
Cute! I was sooooo happy to talk to you on Christmas day! Love ya sis!
That is so cute and creative!!! What an interesting way to share your Christmas experience in Uganda! Lovely!
great talking to you today. loved the song.... mom
Very fun! Sounds like you had a lot of original experiences this Christmas! Always something to remember, right?!
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